Thursday, April 5, 2018


The financial year 2017-18 completed so also our badnminton calendar was also completed for the year 2017-18 with last ranking championship held  at Angul from 20th to 31st March2018.
This was a hectic year for Odisha badminton but we successfully completed the year.A detail report will be published later.

The biggest problem we are facing the financial assistance.Without sponsor we are facing financial crunch to move with our plans.We are not getting any sponsor from anywhere whether it is  Govt nor from private sector not even from Badminton association of India.We at district assoviations and state association are trying our best to meet the aspirations of players and badminton faternity
The expectation from players to parents has reached a high level as the badminton grows  by leaps and bound in last four year,We are very thankful to the badminton lovers of state,players and parents for their unconditional support to the association.

We are very soon coming with our plan for the year2018-19 very soon.We will be vert happy if you send us proposals along with your support, we will include in the future programme.

Orissa State Badminton Association

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